Friday, October 16, 2009

English Quotes. 201-250.

201. you can never own something that was never yours. learn to stop gripping on things we expect to last forever. so that someday when these things are gone, it wouldn’t take eternity just to let it go.

202. what will you do when you’re confused on choosing from two choices? simple. just “toss a coin”. it works, not because it settles a question for you. but while the coin is in the air, you suddenly realize what you are hoping for.

203. sometimes you’ll never know the true value of moment until it becomes a memory.

204. if you have a chance to take the moment that you know will be memorable, grab it. always think that the word NEXT TIME is always too far.

205. “if two people are meant for each other, it doesn’t mean they have to be together right NOW.”

206. simple thought: „no matter how many times you push the elevator button, it will not come any faster. not until the right time comes.”

207. pain is the fuel of passion. your problems are not punishments; they are wake-up calls from a loving God!

ALLOWANCE - force to go to school.
BONUS - the key to pass the exam
I.D. - alternative ruler to draw a straight line
STUDYING - causes sleepiness faster than a sleeping pill
UNIFORM - where you wipe your wet hands after going to CR.
TOMORROW - deadline
CLINIC - home of best actors and actresses
BREAK - most enjoyable subject
BALLPEN - device used to draw something on the desk
NERD - bestfriend during exams.
209. there are things in life that just never last. but the truth is, you never lose them until you let them go. life is about choices - holding on, holding back, letting go. some things do last. if you just let them. and if they let you.

210. you won't know how much someone cares for you. until you realize they don't care anymore.

211. "people say you never appreciate what you have until you lose it" fact is, "you appreciate what you have, you just never thought you would lose it."

212. the only thing you should regret is the thing you didn't do.

213. never feel empty when the person you love turns you down. coz not all people are smart enough to appreciate you. that's why stupidity exist.

214. "tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it." - Adam Smith.

215. what if i keep distance? will i be missed? will my worth be realized? will my absence by noticed? will it turn out good? or along with my disappearance and silence will the the end of everything? it's hard to accept that sometimes, the act of wanting some space leafs to a total end. but it's even harder when someone wants to feel significant and worth it but then lead to a closed book in one's life.

216. yes, sadness is temporary. but what hurts is, it attacks frequently.

217. today i cried for yesterday. but i felt ashamed, for i should be smiling for tomorrow.

218. there will be times when you try to be woo understanding, you'll end up being misunderstood.

219. i believe God would not give you the dream, or the desire in your heart, if he did not also give you the talent and abilities to make that dream come true.

220. i've always been afraid of losing people i cherish so much. but come to think of it, "is there anyone who will be afraid of losing me too?"

221. when you do things to please yourself, then you're growing up. but when you start doing things not for yourself but for others, then you're a grown up.

222. a lesson from grammar: the past will always be simple. the future will always be perfect. and the present will always be tensed.

223. church is not just a club of saints. a hospital for sinners. let's have a check-up today with the saving WORD. from the no. 1 doctor. Jesus Christ.

224. sometimes people choose to leave not because of selfish reasons, but because they just know that things will get worse if they will stay.

225. "E" is the most unfortunate character of all the alphabet. it is always out on "cash" forever in "debt" never out of "danger" and in "hell" all the time. but notice that "e" is never in "war" and always in "peace" it's the beginning of "existence" and the end of "trouble" without "e" we would have no "love, LIFE, heaven", or maybe "mE", right?

226. it's not wrong to miss the person you had before. it's just a proof that you're a good person in a way that they still care for them even if they left you hanging.

227. find out what makes you happy, and follow what your heart tells you. they may call you a foolish but a least you are a happy fool. and not a lonely-empty wise person.

228. do you know where does the word "STUDYING" come from? it actually came from STUDENT. DYING.

229. we make those people who care for us cry. we cry for those people who never care for us. and we care for those who will never cry for us. ridiculously ironic.

230. it's quite ironic that in life, the person that brings out the best in you and the one that makes you strong is actually your weakness.

231. accept that problems and troubles are part of life. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, and sun without rain. but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

232. give yourself a lovely day. look upon what gives you joy. speak to those who warm your heart and remember that each new day is a blessing from GOD.

233. one day, the villagers decided to pray for rain. on the day of prayer everyone gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella. that's FAITH. when you throw a baby in the air, he laughs for he knows you will catch him. that's TRUST. when we go to sleep we can never be sure that we will still wake up the next day but still we make plans for tomorrow. that's HOPE. so remember to always keep the faith, know how to trust and never lose hope.

234. in LIFE, no two spider webs are the same. be proud of your achievements. never compare because your uniqueness is God-given.

235. the only person that deserves you is the one who will stick by your side no matter how much you mess up and the one who will forgive you mistake after mistake.

236. the art of being happy lies in the power of finding happiness in ordinary things. life does not force us to be the best, it only asks that we try.

237. an airplane on its return flight suddenly encountered a turbulence. oxygen started to be dispensed so all the passengers started to panic. except for one little boy who was playing with his PSP. they asked him why he was so calm and why he was not afraid to die. he answered, "my dad is the pilot." that's TRUST.

238. every tic-tacs of a clock corresponds to an action. when it tics something is done and when it tacs i hope you don't regret what happened in the tick.

239. note: anger is only one letter short of danger.

240. the secret of CLOSENESS is CONCERN. the secret of LOVE is SACRIFICE. the secret of HAPPINESS is GIVING. the secret of LIFE is GOD.

241. attitude is like posing for pictures, we pose the way we want to be seen by others. but stolen shots are better because they capture who we really are.

242. learn to appreciate what you have. before time forces you to appreciate what you lost.

243. learn to trust the perfect time, so that you may discover that all the pain found in waiting has a magnificent and awesome purpose.

244. appreciate those people who find TIME for you in their busy schedule.

245. happy is the person who does not show hatred over what is lost. but instead, shows gratefulness over what is left.

246. when two people wanted to be together, it means they love each other. but when two people wanted to be just friends, it's because they're too much in love with each other that there's no need for a commitment to stay closer!

247. time is the most playful element because it lengthens the minutes when you wait. and rushes the hours when you enjoy the moments.

248. the greatest tragedy of life is not death. the greatest tragedy of life is what we allow to die inside of us while we live.

249. tears are one of the most meaningful liquids. want to know why? it is because out of the many liquids in the world, only tears can explain the real meaning of pain.

250. always tell someone how you feel. mean what you say and say what you mean even when it's hard. opportunities are lost in a blink of an eye while regrets can last a lifetime.

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